Summary Data
Reins is an early maturing oat adapted to production in Illinois and surrounding states. It was developed by the University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and was released in 2015. Reins was tested as IL06-5433. The pedigree of Reins is IL00-4827/Buckskin. Reins has high test weight, good lodging resistance and is a medium short variety. Over 22 trials in Illinois grain yield of Reins averaged 136 bu/A compared to 125 bu/A for Excel, 128 bu/A for Saber and 120 bu/A for Spurs at the same locations. Reins is about one day earlier than Saber and one day later than Excel. Over 11 locations, Reins was more resistant to lodging than Saber, Excel and Spurs. Reins is about 8 cm (3 inches) shorter than Excel and 5 cm (2 inches) shorter than Saber. Test weight of Reins has been about 3 lbs/bu higher than Excel and about 2 lbs/bu higher than Saber. Reins is resistant to loose smut (caused by Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr.). Reins is tolerant to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) with an average score of 3.8 over 9 trials compared to 3.4 for Excel, 3.6 for Saber and 4.0 for Spurs on a 0-9 scale, where 0 = very tolerant. Reins is moderately resistant to moderately susceptible to crown rust (caused by Puccinia coronata Cda.f. sp. avenae Eriks.) depending upon races present at a location. Reins has plump, tan kernels. Up to 0.5 % variants are allowed in Reins. Reins will be released as a public variety and PVP will be applied for and the “Certification Option” will be selected. Classes of certified seed will be limited to Foundation and Certified.